Geoff McCabe

The Challenges of Living in Costa Rica

The Challenges of Living in Costa Rica

Rancho Delicioso’s Eco Village isn’t a “for profit” venture for me. It’s more like a giant work of art, that I want to share with amazing friends and family. I have an amazing life here, and the one thing missing is a real super-local community that’s close enough so that I can visit people to […]

 Geoff McCabe

Photos of the Farm

Photos of the Farm

Here’s a nice photo gallery of a bunch of our favorite photos taken at the farm over the past four years since we started here. I hope these will give you a good idea of what it’s like to be here.

 Geoff McCabe

Travel Help

Travel Help

Juan Santamaria International Airport, also known as San Jose Airport, or SJO, is situated about 20 minutes outside of the capital city of San Jose, Costa Rica. Most of the International flights arrive in this airport. Rancho Delicioso, a 43 Hectare (106 acre) property, is in the center of the Southern Nicoya Peninsula between the […]

 Geoff McCabe

Info for Retreat Leaders

Info for Retreat Leaders

Are you interested in leading a retreat? We’d love to have you…. Thanks for your interest in hosting a retreat at Awaken Retreat Center in Rancho Delicioso permaculture farm. We love hosting any type of retreat that is oriented toward yoga, breathwork, health, detox, consciousness, personal development, circus arts, aerial silk dance, permaculture, environmental preservation, […]

 Geoff McCabe

Feedback Form for PYP

We’d love to hear your feedback about Rancho Delicioso’s PYP program. Please fill out this form, or you can email geoff at: if you prefer. Thanks.

 Geoff McCabe

PYP Photo Collection

PYP Photo Collection

These photos were taken during the Feb 7-13 PYP group, and will give you some idea of what to expect during the week. Of course, all groups are different and there’s some variety in the activities that happen.

 Geoff McCabe

PYP Sample Schedule

In case you’d like to know more details about what we plan to do for the week, I’m publishing here this week’s schedule of what we have planned. This is somewhat flexible, depending on what teachers are available and other things. For example, sometimes an amazing teacher will show up in the area and we’ll […]

 Geoff McCabe

We Grew Guinness Record Breaking Soursop

We Grew Guinness Record Breaking Soursop

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the largest Soursop (Guanabana) ever grown was a measly 8.14 pounds (3.69 kg) so ours was nearly double the weight! Ours weighed 16 pounds (7.26 Kilos)! Check out the old record on the Guinness website here: And you can see a photo of it here to […]

 Geoff McCabe

Internet Options at the Farm

Internet Options at the Farm

Many people ask me about internet at the farm, and there are so many options I thought I would write it out once in detail so that people can see what they are and I don’t have to explain it each time. I’m updating this on Dec 14, 2015, so if you’re reading this many […]

 Geoff McCabe

Tropical Seeds for Making Jewelry

Tropical Seeds for Making Jewelry

For 11 years I was half owner of a jewelry company called Seventh Sense, and we scoured the planet looking for exotic beads and materials of all types to make our jewelry. Although I’ve left that business far behind, I still love the idea of making jewelry, and am always keeping my eye open for […]