Berenjena (Eggplant) Spread

Ingredients • 2 small organic eggplants, sliced and sweated • A few tbsp olive oil, for boiling • 3 garlic cloves, fine chop • 1 teaspoon ground cumin • ½ juicy lemon, juiced, plus rind • 1 tsp salt • 1/2 cayenne pepper • 1 small bunch, fresh parsley, de-stem and chop • 1/8 cup […]
Making an Herb Garden – Introduction – (Part I)

Making an Herb Garden: Introduction (Part 1) Check it out! We’re planting an herb garden. Our beautiful 8m x 15m space is a gentle slope adjacent to the volunteer house. When we lifted the black plastic protective sheet we found dried straw upon rice hulls upon a base layer of regular but hard-packed soil. Two […]
Costa Rican Plantain “Latkes”

Two days ago I arrived at Rancho Delicioso and struck eco-gold. In preparation for my third grand supper on this paradisaical rural peninsula, I created a cross between a Jewish-style potato latke and African tatale— where plantains are a food staple. It flourishes here in Costa Rica, though we don’t know exactly when the banana-like […]
How to Harvest Loofah

This Valentine’s Day, say I “loofyah.” Loofahs, the spongy skincare product we recognize from drugstore beauty isles actually come from your own subtropical backyard vines (not the sea!). They grow like cucumbers and indeed they’re part of the cucumber – Cucurbitaceae – family. Ideally harvest them once the skin becomes a crispy brown shell. Because […]