
Jalapeños grow easily here since peppers are native to Central America. If we can grow enough of them, and garlic too, then we can eventually produce our own bug repellent by combining them, rather than buying it in powder form as we do now.
Yellow Eggplant (Berenjena)

The yellow banana-like eggplants shown here grow very easily on meter-high bushes the continue to produce for many months. They have grown well in medium-quality soil with almost no care, out in the open. We have replanted the seeds with some success. Most of them will sprout but many die off. This eggplant is […]
Tropical Sweet Potato (Camote)

The Sweet Potato (not yams), called CAMOTE in Spanish, are native to Costa Rica and considered to be one of the healthiest of all vegetables. They grow in poor soil with little oversight or care, with their vines spreading out on top of the soil and their tasty tubers developing underground. The leaves are […]
Mini Peppers

These little peppers are sweet (meaning that they’re not spicy) and are easy to grow. They don’t make much if a meal, but we think that food should be fun and beautiful, not just nutritious. So we’re planting all kinds of varieties of everything when we can find it. Like all the peppers we […]
Bell Peppers

Peppers are native to Central America and so they should grow pretty well here. But with all the centuries of inbreeding them to create a bigger and tastier vegetable, food plants will often lose their natural defenses against pests, disease, etc, becoming more fragile. The large peppers shown here are susceptible to fungus, and […]
Italian Parsley

This parsley (perejil) has grown well in our worst soil, which we bought a truckload of, and turned out to be nearly solid clay. Few things would grow well in it because of the lack of drainage. Parsley is a superfood, with very high levels of phytochemicals and other nutrients. It has a strong taste […]
Egyptian Spinach

This spinach is one of the easiest to grow, and we have so far found that no bugs seem to touch it. Apparently this plant is the primary green leaf food in Egypt, and is used in many recipes. It has very unique leaves, with each having long “antennae” at the base. Harvesting enough quantity […]